
Captain Nemo's Nautilus
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       Welcome to the Submania section!

  Hello and welcome! Here in the Submania! section, we mainly discuss the wonderful world of Submarine modelling, if you are an avid modeler who likes to learn about this wonderful hooby, you've come to the right place! Below are infomation about this hobby and you'll find information about my models too!

Here are the pages about the model subs that I have built and owned:
Model of a Soviet nuclear Balistic Missile Submarine
 Model of a Soviet diesel-electric sub.
This is my Joy and Pride, a model of Jules Verne's famous submarine.
Not really sub related, this section talks about the other models that I have been working on.
Fortunately, I'm not the only one who's interested in RC-Submarines, here are projects from various friends about their projects, submit yours too!
The U-boats are definitely part of my favourite submrine subjects, why not write a special section just dedicated to one of my favourite "Unterseeboot"?

Please fell free to look at the pages below for news and information about this hobby.
A beginner's questions........
can't start without 'em!
A list of various companies who sell sub-related stuff.