Tom Yourk has built an awesome RC Nautilus unlike any others! Instead of having a propeller and rudder for movement,
it uses bilge pumps and jet engines for all movement and motion. Tom also mentionned that he is currently, making a
water cannon to simulate the Disney movie effect. -Photo Courtesy of Tom Yourk

If you think one Nautilus isn't enough, think two! Tom has built two of these babies and I must say they look great!
The two N have different sizes, the picture above shows the 4ft version while the picture below shows the 7 footer.

Unfortunately, these are the only two pictures I could put up of this cool boat, thanks for sharing the pictures
New updates from Tom 05/15/04
Tom sent me these pictures showing his latest modifications of the water cannon installed on the Nautilus, he is
currently modificating his subs to recreate the Disney movie effect. - Tom Yourk Photo

The water cannons work by projecting water at an angle backwards towards the wheelhouse which creates a nice water jet
and sprinkling effect. To see more of this subject go to the SubCommittee Message Board, and go to the movie submarines
forum, I'm not sure how long the thread will last but the members will keep you posted.